Dental Implants

Teeth are usually exposed to decay, fracture or loss, and this is more likely to develop with age.

A tremendous development in dentistry has replaced the traditional methods of replacing missing teeth using removable prosthesis and has evolved to come back with dental implant technology, which uses artificial roots of titanium metal.

The person can use this artificial tooth for its full functions from eating to talking and shape, as it is identical to the outer shape of natural teeth.

Implants also prevent the atrophy of the bone in the area of ​​tooth loss and they preserve the remaining adjacent teeth.

Many wonder about the success rate of this process in general and its life span in the jaw, and after plenty of studies and research, it has been reported that the overall success rate in the upper jaw is 95% and 90% in the lower jaw. Its normal life span is between 15 years and beyond.

Stages of dental implants

The first stage:

The case is examined and the health status of the patient is taken. All measurements, such as angioplasty, CT scan, etc., are taken to study the case through the Digital Smile Design Program (DSD). Then a treatment plan is prepared. Local anesthetic is often used depending on the health status of the patient.

The second stage:

Bone healing occurs with the implant in place, and it takes 8 to 12 weeks to heal. Some modern techniques need less time.

Third stage:

The final formulation of the implant is installed after taking the measurements to fit suitably with the forms, dimensions, and color of the other teeth.

The treatment plan is always determined by the dentist who examines the bone and the general condition of the jaw. Some cases may need grafting and bone transplants before starting dental implants.

There may be other barriers for the use of dental implants. For example, people with immunodeficiency, bone or blood disorders, and those with irregular diabetes all affect bone healing with the implant.

Most surgical procedures may cause pain in the jaw and may also be accompanied by swelling, so it is prescribed by the doctor to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.