Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is usually defined by the appearance of a large part of the gums at the smile (greater than 2 mm), and this is an anomaly in the aesthetic smile of men and women and may cause embarrassment in many times. The smile is the main factor in determining the impression of a person. The ideal smile must have the lengths of the teeth in proportion to the visible part of the gums at the full smile, so that the visible part of the gums does not exceed 2 mm.

Causes Of A Gummy Smile:
  • Managing Your Career Development Shortening the crowns of the teeth or shortening the visible part.
  • Advancement of the upper jaw (vertical overgrowth of the upper jaw).
  • Excessive work of the muscles responsible for raising the upper lip.
  • Shortening of the upper lip. to treat:
  • Determining the method of treatment depends on the following factors:
    • The degree of appearance of the gums.
    • The shape and size of the front teeth.
    • The relationship of the upper jaw with the lower jaw.
Treatment methods are decided after examination and consultation with the doctor inside the clinic and may include:

Lip position adjustment:

Lip position adjustment: Using the latest technologies in some cases, we can solve the problem of a gummy smile and control the position of the upper lips, but if it is high, we cut the inner vestibule of the apartment and put it back in the right place that treats the position of the lips and covers the exposed part of the gums.

Surgical crown lengthening:

This procedure is done in the dental office using local anesthesia and is painless during or after the surgical procedure. Botox (by a dermatologist): It is a method that is used to relax some muscles, and in a gummy smile, the levator muscle of the upper lip is relaxed by injecting it with Botox, so that its movement is limited when smiling and does not rise much to the top, so the lips cover a larger part of the gums, and this is exactly our goal of Botox. This procedure does not require local anesthesia and no pain occurs during or after the injection, after a week the patient gets the result and the gums exposed during the smile disappear and after 9 months the properties of Botox disappear and the smile returns as it was and it requires repeating the procedure in the clinic again.

Gum cutting and shortening:

A simple surgical procedure that is performed using a laser or special devices, and it is painless, does not require suturing, and the gum healing process takes two weeks at most.