Cure My Problem

The problem of dark circles that appear under the eyes is common among different age groups, regardless of gender, as a result of several reasons, and often this problem causes a loss of self-confidence, which causes permanent anxiety.

There are many ways to treat dark circles, ranging from creams to peeling or vitamin injections using mesotherapy or dermapen technology, to filler and Botox injections, and ending with surgical treatments..

Birthmarks And Pigmentation Treatment

Moles and moles are skin changes and phenomena that are observed at birth or in the early and early stages of life. These birthmarks appear in different shapes and colors and are not limited to one color.

The predominant treatment of these phenomena and skin changes was limited to surgical intervention, which was accompanied by unsatisfactory results in most cases.

However, the laser treatment revolution imposed itself as a treatment for these birthmarks and moles, and the laser became a basic treatment for some of them and one of the important treatments for others. The most advanced and effective type of laser in treating pigmentation and skin bumps such as freckles, tattoos and pigmented birthmarks. Certified by an international organization.

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There are multiple treatment options to treat scarring and rejuvenation. As for the laser in this aspect, the fractional techniques that work through the selective theory of collagen stimulation are the latest laser technologies to treat wrinkles and scars and improve the texture and color of the skin.

Low probability of pigmentation or scarring. And it requires the patient, when treating with fractional techniques, to understand several things, including the need for several consecutive sessions,

How fractional laser works:

in addition to the realistic results, which mean that scars and wrinkles do not disappear, but they are significantly improved.

It is worth emphasizing that the number of sessions and the use of appropriate criteria for each case plays a major role in achieving the best results, God willing. The fractional technique is an effective treatment for scars of different levels of depth, safely and effectively


Hyperhidrosis is the production of more sweat than the body needs to produce in order to maintain a balanced body temperature. About five out of every thousand people suffer from this problem.

Causes of excessive sweating: Endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus Women reaching menopause. Diseases accompanied by fever.

Lymphomas as well as tuberculosis (sweating a lot at night). Some medications, such as antidepressants and others.

Excessive sweating (Botox): Botox injections cause relaxation of the muscles that cause expressive wrinkles, thus improving their appearance, and this relaxation is temporary,

so we need to re-inject approximately every 3-6 months, and it reduces sweating when injected into the armpits and does not remove it completely.


The treatment usually requires several sessions, and that one session includes multiple small injections in the desired area, and it is conducted for different purposes, such as deep fat dissolution, freshness and skin tightening, hair loss treatment and skin color lightening. It is also performed by manual injection or dermapen technique.